Pewfff. Phase One assignment is O-V-E-R. During the last two weeks I did a lot of shooting...and re-shooting.. and brainstorming...and shooting...and printing..and stressing. Overall, I'm happy with my work but I see what it is I need to improve on. I'm so thankful to have instructors that give constructive criticism that helps me learn and grow. This first phase is technical so incase your thinking that these images lack creativity..just you wait!!!!
The picture came out a tad hot but I liked that the oranges somewhat matched the oranges on the jar and how the flower was the same color as the background color behind the words "sweet orange marmalade." It'll be great to grow in the commercial studio in the next 8 months and to always do this on the side.
My beautiful friend Annie was in town last week so I forced her into being my model for the outdoor flash picture. I would normally never take a reading for the the sky and use a flash but it was interesting to do that.
Cali and David for my two person indoor flash. We hit and chipped a lot of paint off moving this couch. I really don't like flash but its kinda sorta growing on me.. and I'm going to have to learn to love it for weddings.
Dakota looking very light blue for my "cool on cool" picture. When I saw we had to do this color shot I immediately thought of him because of those beautiful blue eyeballs! I pretty happy with this one..I like that all the colors match well.
When I received the assignment sheet and saw that we had to do a self-portrait I was eager to shoot and immediately inspired. Because this is such a technical first phase of school I thought that this would be a great way to unleash my creativity. But surprisingly, out of the ten photographs we had to take, it ended up being the most difficult for me. It took me three tries and I'm still not completely happy with the results. Although I submitted this image, I want to go back and re-shoot. Less sky, less makeup and hopefully look less sleepy! What I do like is the idea and the time of morning (6:00 am) and my pretty camera Diana. Totally open for your thoughts!
My beautiful friend Annie was in town last week so I forced her into being my model for the outdoor flash picture. I would normally never take a reading for the the sky and use a flash but it was interesting to do that.
Cali and David for my two person indoor flash. We hit and chipped a lot of paint off moving this couch. I really don't like flash but its kinda sorta growing on me.. and I'm going to have to learn to love it for weddings.
My talented and helpful friend Cali. This is for my "warm on cool" shot. He is so great. He woke up early to go with me to take my self-portrait...he modeled and modeled and modeled for me.. he lent me his flash..and he encouraged and lifted me up time after time during this Phase One assignment. I am so thankful for him and honored to call him one of my best friends. Thanks Cal!
Thanks David for assisting me!
David's girlfriend Chelsea was in town so I thought it would be cute if I used both of them for "breaking up lines." Me and my good friend Danny did a picture almost exactly like this about two years ago. I wanted to re-do it to see the growth I've made..unfotunatly, during the critique my, my teacher didn't really care for it. Thankfully he gave me constructive critism and said this angel distorts them and just isn't flattering. Personally I like it. I think its weird and unorthodox but maybe I could have worked on it a bit longer and played with the angles more..perhaps add a prop or two in there. Again, totally open for your thoughts!!
I really like the indoor flash one, and I agree with you, I don't like flash yet, but am learning to love it. The couch is so great, colors work so well together.
Love the selfy. The field is incredible and you look exceptionally beautiful for 6 a.m.
I really don't have any complaints. Sorry I know that probably isn't helpful. I just love your work. You inspire me all the time.
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